LEGO ELectric Skateboard!
|This page is about my 3D printed GIANT LEGO Electric Skateboard. There are some YouTube videos about this project, or scroll down for pictures and words:
I 3D printed LEGO bricks which have been scaled up five times. Most of these came from Thingiverse, but I had to draw the 80’s style LEGO electric motor housing, and modify the wheels which were made from LEGO gears.
The motor is a 1.4Kw 280 kV brushless outrunner with it’s drive belt straight on the back wheel. There is a pivot point in front of the drive unit so that the board can tilt to steer using a conventional skateboard truck on the front.
Check out the video above for testing!
I added a few features to the board including an enclosed battery brick and LEGO lights:
Check out the third video above to see more testing – it’s FAST!